Saturday, November 3, 2012

How Important Fundraisers Like These Are

This afternoon I was checking emails and this one personally touched me. The author has given permission to post this and I want to thank her for sharing her story.

Dear organizers of Fandom Fights Sandy,

Living in one of the many areas of New York hit by Hurricane Sandy, it has been difficult on many levels. Our town had major flooding along the coast and was completely out of power. Our high school is housing evacuees from other communities and four days since the storm moved through our roads are being cleared of the trees and debris and power is slowly being restored to the main roads with the estimate of 7-10 days for full restoration being close to accurate.  We finally have a way to get gas for our cars and the lucky few who have generators, even if the line is three hours long at least.  And for the most part we are the fortunate ones.
I saw the beginning of the devastation on TV like you Monday night before we lost power and the things we've heard since are heartbreaking.

I've participated in several Fandom charities like this one, but when I saw the email about this charity come through in the mass alerts I got this morning when phone service finally seemed to make a turn for the better, I started to cry.

I'm not kidding when I tell you we were relatively lucky here, but to know that my fandom, my friends were rallying behind all of us struggling without heat and with limited food thanks to the lack of power and in some areas, lack of the ability to get supplies in, it made me so proud to be a part of this community. This has been both physically and emotionally exhausting and it is just the beginning.  There are many less fortunate than us who will be helped a great deal by your generosity.

Feel free to post this message on your page as a personal story from the storm. Thank you for your efforts.
With heartfelt gratitude,



  1. To Agoodwitch.

    When I read what you wrote I have to say I was nodding my head and tearing up all over again. The bottom line is, we are very fortunate just to be able to sit here and write this out. The fact that we are alive to tell it and pass the world along.

    The bottom line is you watch the news and your heart goes out to the people who suffer from such extreme disasters, you say a prayer and wish them the best. But when you become the news it is something you cannot comprehend. It is unfathomable. You try to reassure yourself and you cannot even find the words or thoughts to do so. You are the news. You are living it and breathing it while making sure one foot goes in front of the next. This time, you turn on the television days later after having lost power and all connection to the outside world and you find yourself in the middle of it. And your just lost.

    I'd like to say that this right here is the reason I have joined the fandom. Because it gives back. It gives a little bit of hope when hope is something you no longer know the definition of. And suddenly you start to feel a little bit lighter.

    Never once had I ever thought I would be in this living nightmare or, 'standing on the debris of my entire life' but it has happened. "One foot in front of the other." And we keep going. We don't have a choice. This is what we have been dealt and we will deal with it and come out even stronger then before. Because face it, when you've hit the bottom you can only go up.

    Thank you to the Fandom. You are one of the largest out there and you are all so supportive and giving. And, Agoodwitch, I haven't read your story yet, but I know I will not have a dry eye when I do. Maybe I will feel inspired to do the same. After all, we're living it.

    KrisBliss - MyInfiniteBliss, Born and raised in Long Beach, NY

  2. Hi, Agoodwitch. Reading your message here made me cry all over again, and I've been crying constantly the past week, seeing all the devastation there. Living in Florida, we've gone through our share of bad storms, and one especially devastating one (since I've lived here), so I have a pretty good idea of what you're going through. It breaks my heart, but I'm hoping that the money that so many have donated, and the money will be raised through this fundraiser will be of great help to you and all the others who have had their lives ripped apart. I feel so helpless here, being so far away, but I hope that the money I've donated, both during the NBC telethon, and again yesterday when ABC was doing their fundraiser, will help. I, too, am extremely proud to be a part of such a wonderful, generous fandom. You and your family, as well as the rest of those affected, will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Debbie in S. Florida

  3. I live in Howard Beach, NY. One of the many area's devastated by this storm. I can not even describe the horror of that night when the water came at us in waves down our streets. The force was so powerful it broke through brick walls, windows, and ac vents. I was also one of the lucky ones that did not lose my home. In my area alone, aside from being without power, heat, hot water, and running water for 10 days, there are so many who lost their homes, lost everything.

    The area is still suffering. No gas or food in the area. Everything is day by day. The conditions are horrible and I know much is not being reported on the news.

    So much help is needed.

    Of all the fandom causes that go on, this is truly one that needs a lot of support and participation.

    Any participation would be greatly appreciated.
