Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's Here!

The time to submit is coming up! Tonight at 11:59 PM EST we will be closing author sign ups and submissions. Now, I know that things come up and some might not be able to make the deadline, so if you need an is the time to tell me. But only if you have signed up.

As always, questions can be sent to @Fandom4RedCross and emailed to

Also, if you are an author who have signed up, you will be receiving the compilation as a thank you. As well as the betas and banner makers who have been with us since the beginning :)

Last, but not least. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this. You guys have been amazing and I love running these fundraisers (I've done FandomFightsTsunami which raised close to $70,000 -- amazing. Also, Fandom4Support which raised money for TWLOHA). You guys are what makes this fandom so amazing (Twilight, HP, Hunger Games...etc) and worth being in. I wish more people knew about it. We have the power to change things and make a positive impact on others who need our help. Be proud of yourselves as authors, retweeters, donators, banner makers, betas... and anyone who helped spread the word.

Submissions/Sign-ups due: December 20th 11:59 PM EST -- Late submissions may be sent in up until Friday December 21st 11:59 PM EST
Compilation sent out: December 23rd ... most likely in the evening EST
Donations accepted and compilation sent out up until: January 15th 11:59 PM EST
Authors may post their work: January 16th (make sure to tweet us and we will RT where to read!)

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